Puri Jagannath directing Rajinikanth?

Ace director Puri Jagannath has recently brought back Amitabh Bachchan to his brand role of angry man with Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap. Now, he is tiresome to produce the same image pro Rajinikanth! Well, the director is planning to re-establish the same show in Tamil with Rajinikanth in the principal role.

Grapevine is abuzz with the news with the intention of Puri Jagannath was recently in Chennai and met Rajinikanth by his residence. The filmmaker articulated his fancy to re-establish Bbudah Hoga Terra Baap in Tamil with the superstar in the principal. But the actor has not standard it, as he has not seen the film. Moreover, the Endhiran star is yet to fully recover from the under the weather shape.

Reports additional add with the intention of Rajinikanth's imminent film Rana is yet to start its regular shooting, which is probable to commence by September following week. It is single with the completion of this film, the superstar may possibly start the projected project. Hence, it is too ahead of schedule to have a discussion in this area Puri Jagannath directorial film.

Meanwhile, Puri Jagannath is all fit to preside over Chiranjeevi, which is understood to be the Telugu version of Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap.

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