Just a not many days previously individual of the rare incidents took place at what time Bollywood arch rival Salman Khan and Shahrukh Khan were shooting in chorus on Mehboob studio. While the stars were innocent of each one others presence, their respective crew members went to the extreme lengths to prepare steady to facilitate the superstars don't bump into each one other.
The run members of both the superstars crew were nervous and did not hanker after to take a unintended . They made steady to facilitate they don't show your face mug to mug. According to sources on Thursday, Shahrukh was on the studio to jet a for profit with Gauri. Incidentally he was said to jet the advertisement earlier which got postponed to Thursday.
Only at what time the advertisement production team reached the studio they got to know to facilitate Salman was already shooting in the same premises. From followed by on the respective crews ensured to facilitate the two don't intersect paths. The crew however knew to facilitate while things can be under control at what time the actors are shooting, it may perhaps circle vetoed to be hideous bearing in mind their respective wrap-ups.
Apparently, a link of guys from both the crews were particular the task of conclusion vetoed at what time the other was scheduled to leave. At midnight at what time Shahrukh was leaving, a group associate crossed checked Salman's status to discover to facilitate Salman will take individual more hour to close his shoots.
Last in imposing both the actors were in the same studio shooting pro their respective schedules. That instant too their respective staffs ensured to facilitate they solve not show your face mug to mug. Wooof!! To facilitate was a narrow getting away from!
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