Producer Allu Aravind has reportedly decided to file Rs. 5 crores lawsuit against the Gurgaon branch of the PVR Cinemas. The owner of Geeta Arts claims that this branch has enabled the piracy of Naga Chaitanya and Tamanna starrer Telugu film 100% Love, which has landed the producer in the heavy loss of revenue.
The pirated DVDs of movie 100% Love had hit the market just a couple of days after its release. The irked producer immediately got into action to find out the origin of DVDs. His anti-piracy team confiscated some pirated DVDs and the forensic watermark in these copies convinced the team that the master copy for this DVD was shot at Screen 6, at PVR Cinemas, Gurgaon.
Now, the Geeta Arts claims that this evidence clearly states that the PVR Cinemas has failed to protect their property and enabled a master copy to be recorded at their theatre, which has caused huge financial loss for the production company. So Allu Aravind is said to be filing a lawsuit against the PVR Cinemas demanding Rs. 5 crore.
The pirated DVDs of movie 100% Love had hit the market just a couple of days after its release. The irked producer immediately got into action to find out the origin of DVDs. His anti-piracy team confiscated some pirated DVDs and the forensic watermark in these copies convinced the team that the master copy for this DVD was shot at Screen 6, at PVR Cinemas, Gurgaon.
Now, the Geeta Arts claims that this evidence clearly states that the PVR Cinemas has failed to protect their property and enabled a master copy to be recorded at their theatre, which has caused huge financial loss for the production company. So Allu Aravind is said to be filing a lawsuit against the PVR Cinemas demanding Rs. 5 crore.
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