Everybody knows that actors Anil Kapoor and Shilpa Shetty don't see eye to eye. Anil hurt Shilpa by criticising her lips and nose job on Karan Johar's television show a few years ago, alleging that it delayed a film featuring them in the lead roles. However, Anil's daughter Sonam Kapoor recently tried her best to bring Shilpa closer to her dad.
It is said that Sonam mingled with Shilpa recently at a restaurant in Mumbai. On seeing Shilpa and her hubby Raj Kundra entering the restaurant, the young actress walked up to their table and greeted them. They chatted for some time and Sonam, who frequent the place, was even overheard advising the couple on the menu.
Sonam's friendly approach seemed to impress the couple. They bid her goodbye before leaving the restaurant. Let's hope this gesture bring Kapoors closer to the Kundras!
It is said that Sonam mingled with Shilpa recently at a restaurant in Mumbai. On seeing Shilpa and her hubby Raj Kundra entering the restaurant, the young actress walked up to their table and greeted them. They chatted for some time and Sonam, who frequent the place, was even overheard advising the couple on the menu.
Sonam's friendly approach seemed to impress the couple. They bid her goodbye before leaving the restaurant. Let's hope this gesture bring Kapoors closer to the Kundras!
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