Chiranjeevi to act again; Puri Jagannath to direct?

Chiranjeevi has distorted his mind on his return to acting. Just three period bearing in mind he claimed with the purpose of he was bidding goodbye to films, Chiru surprised his fans by saw with the purpose of he will be donning greasepaint again.
The Megastar, who was on the prime minister of Puri Jagannath's Bbuddah - Hoga Terra Baap, told reporters with the purpose of he would produce his comeback soon. “I will return to acting with my 150th motion picture which will be directed by Puri Jagannath.” The Deccan Chronicle quoted the actor has saw. However, he did not make public spread details something like the film.
His statement has specified a giant relief in place of his fans, who were disappointed bearing in mind the actor announced his retirement recently. It possibly will plus be recalled with the purpose of they plus urged him to action by gathering in front of his apartment on Wednesday. The Megastar on Tuesday supposed with the purpose of as he was hectic in politics, it would not be appropriate in place of him to don the grease paint again. His son Ram Charan Teja is in attendance to fill the gap.

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